Open your heart, heal the old patterns that confine you, release them with grace as we dance with the Dark Mother under the light of the full moon. Isn’t it time to fly?
Monthly Archives: August 2018
What a LION Team – A Circle For Women!
L.I.O.N., Love Is Our Nature, had our first ‘DreamStorming’ meeting in January of 2018. That was the birthing of our sewing group, A Circle For Women.
We came together in the beginning of this new year to share our hearts about the numerous problems witnessed in the world, problems we felt weren’t receiving enough attention, assistance, or solution. Many projects surfaced that day and we began a deeper dialogue about what we could do individually and collectively to be of service to the greater good.
One of those projects is assisting girls and women globally with the basic need and right of having sanitary, personal products for their monthly menstrual cycle. The knowledge of this women’s struggle has been burning within me since I became aware several years ago and I have felt helpless to assist my sisters – until now.
A Circle For Women has been meeting monthly, since March, with the focused goal of creating a product that is “Win-Win”, comprised of 100% cotton, cotton flannel, and or wool fabrics to ensure a product for women to use that is clean and safe and also contains no plastic, for a sustainable environment.
Many meetings were held filled with ideas, suggestions, thoughts, feelings and respectful conversation about what would work best and we arrived in agreement, through consensus. What a wonderful exercise in community-based planning, organizing and action!
We already have numerous groups globally that have expressed a need and we just shipped our first order for 45 kits going to Kenya via New Jersey. The Pastoralist Child Foundation will be handing out these free hygiene kits to young girls stepping into their next phase of feminine life, becoming a woman. We are proud, grateful, excited and enormously happy to be able to give assistance to these young women, assuring their ability to stay in school and receive the education that could be the path to growth, empowerment, self-esteem and personal sustainability.
How can you help, you ask? One way is to provide financial assistance which will enable us to continue to purchase the fabrics needed to provide these kits and help pay for delivering them to the numerous locations around the world. Another way is to organize sewing groups in your own communities – many hands make for lighter work.
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to provide for the needs of each of its members. We are all members of the same human family.
“The pain of one is the pain of all, and the honor of one is the honor of all –
because we are all related.”
Contact me today for more information about getting involved with this good work! [email protected]