Monthly Archives: March 2017

A line in the sand….

We have allowed a line to be drawn in the sand. Someone else put it there, yet we continue to give it validity. The line tells us we are separate. In fact, we are one.

When faced with a seemingly sea of ‘problems’, it can be challenging to recognize solutions. It feels easier to focus elsewhere, or maybe just give up. Sometimes, we need to step away for a broader perspective, a gentle nudge, or an opportunity to take a bold step into discovering what role we can play in “being the change”.

The StarLions of Timbavati, South Africa offer you an opening to change your life forever by introducing you to LionHearted Leadership,



Ymani Simmons is a peacemaker, spiritual mentor, writer, ceremonialist, and conservationist. She assists women and men internationally in healing their hearts, embracing loving empowerment, and remembering who they are. Through her voice of experience and wisdom, conscious awareness, and positive spirit, she provides a safe and sacred container for individuals to experience inner growth by reconnecting their deeper self and all of Nature.

After two group trips to visit the White Lions in 2015, Ymani registered and attended the White Lion Leadership Academy in 2016 and is currently a Practitioner Trainee with the 13 Laws of LionHearted Leadership.

As an advocate for securing a safe future for the White Lions and all species at risk, she has made the commitment to devote her life to conservation – helping restore Mother Earth to her rightful and authentic state.