Category Archives: Women’s Retreat

Three Sacred Portals of Womanhood

New Events for Spring!

Individual Workshops for Women of all ages!

There are many ways to explore the changing stages of a woman’s life.
Though each stage may be symbolized by a woman
of a particular age and phase of life, their aspects interweave within us.
They exist as archetypes, an aspect of the human experience that continually occurs,
a pattern of behavior that becomes represented, or embodied by a symbolic personality.

The Emerging Maiden            The Nurturing Mother            The Conscious Crone

ThreeSacred Portals

Space is limited so contact Ymani for more information, or to make your reservation:

[email protected]

Women’s Winter Retreat…….

The hearth Fires are burning, the nights have turned cold, and some may be feeling a longing to discover something forgotten, remember something hidden.

If you are hearing a call for deep introspection, release of old patterns, and clarity of purpose then this weekend retreat has arrived right on time.

Register now at

Space is limited!!

We look forward to assisting you in Tending Your Fire Within.

Tending the Fire Within2